Who we are

Congo Support Project was established in 2005. Our aim was and is to raise public awareness of the human rights and humanitarian crisis crippling the Democratic Republic of Congo and its people and to offer support to those fleeing the DRC to seek asylum in the UK.

“The day will come when history will speak. Africa will write its own history, and in both north and south, it will be a history of glory and dignity” – first Prime Minister of the DRC, Patrice Émery Lumumba

What we do

By informing public opinion about the current repression and persecution of activists, political opposition members and journalists in the DRC, as well as the endemic corruption among governing bodies, systemic impunity for serious human rights abuses and a humanitarian and socio-economic crisis throughout the DRC, in particular and especially in the east, the Project strives to demonstrate the need to offer asylum and a warm welcome to those fleeing the DRC. We also campaign to prevent the forced deportation of refugees back to the DRC, regardless of their circumstances, because of a well-founded fear that they will be persecuted on their return. The Project was integral to the 2007 legal campaign that successfully forced the Home Office to temporarily suspend deportations to the country and grant leave to remain to many Congolese families.

Demonstrating Against Deportations to the DR Congo

Jules Waka Ndumba calls for an End to the Killing, Rape and Displacement in eastern Congo